Psalm 37:23 KJV, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.”


“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 1:2 KJV

Continuing the Legacy

“Con l’aiuto di Dio tutto e` possibile”

"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. . ."


When we lose someone we love we must learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind.

Brownsville District Dinner


A Philanthropist…..

Pastor Williams didn’t seek fame and fortune. . .  he sought to promote the welfare of others.  He would often say, “if you want to be blessed by the Lord, be a blessing to others. . . be a giver.”  And that he was, an incredible giver and humanitarian. He was a blessing to many people because he loved people and was concerned with improving the conditions in people’s lives.
 There were many celebrities that asked him for interviews and to produce movies on his life. He would humbly decline. He knew many influential people. Yet, he never forgot where he came from.
He never forgot his beginnings. Growing up without a father in penury was heartbreaking and difficult. However, that didn’t become an excuse to give up on life because he allowed God to change his life. 
He was a special man with a special purpose. He was a man on a mission and his mission was to serve the Lord.
Pastor Williams

Pastor Williams was also the Superintendent of the Brownsville District, Chairman of Finance and a part of Bishop W.L. Porter's Executive Board.



We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill

“If you want to be blessed be a blessing to others.” Alvin E. Williams

“Giving is not about making a donation. Giving is about making a difference.”

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” Anne Frank


PASTOR ALVIN WILLIAMS at the Central Jurisdiction 23rd Annual State Convocation. He was the morning moderator speaking about the importance of love.

In the audience is the late Bishop W. L. Porter’s wife and State Supervisor, Mother Ida “Maddie” Porter.




Superintendent/Pastor (Emeritus) Alvin E. Williams’ life covers a span of 64 years of service in this grand old Church of God in Christ (COGIC). Pastor Emeritus Williams became a member of the Temple COGIC on July 4, 1956, when he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour. During his tenure at the Temple COGIC, he served under the leadership of Elder C.H. (Bob) Mason Jr., Presiding Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr., and Elder J.E. Booker. Pastor Emeritus Williams’ unrelenting devotion to serve in God’s house and to honing his biblical studies and training under Dr. John Ware afforded him opportunities to work in every facet of the church.


His path led him to preaching and teaching to God’s people throughout the Tennessee area, including those at Pentecostal Temple COGIC- where he was highly-respected by Presiding Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. and Mother Deborah Patterson. While at the Temple COGIC, he witnessed miracles and heard Saints’ testimonies of miraculous healing and deliverance from the prayers and laying on of hands by Bishop Charles Harrison Mason, the Founding Father of the Church of God in Christ. Pastor Emeritus Williams said, “Bishop Mason was a true prophetic leader led by God.”


In 1979, Presiding Bishop J.O. Patterson Sr. and Bishop F.D. Macklin appointed Pastor Emeritus Alvin E. Williams as the Acting Pastor for the St. James COGIC in Brownsville, TN. He was later installed as the pastor in 1980 by Bishop F.D. Macklin. Pastor Emeritus Williams inherited a litany of issues, including a declining church with financial instability. However, by the grace of God, he endured the opposition, and, with the help of faithful members, he was able to restore financial stability, renovate the church’s ground, and improve the ministries in the church. As Pastor for 40 years, he has led his parishioners with unparalleled devotion and with sound leadership that is sealed with integrity, love, humility and generosity.


PASTOR WILLIAMS preaching at the Homeland COGIC 81st Church Anniversary and Homecoming where Bishop Kendall Anderson is the Pastor. Pastor Williams loved Bishop Anderson like a second son.

And He said to them, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 KJV

Letters to Pastor Williams
Just a few of the beautiful letters sent in regards to Pastor Williams' transition. He was truly loved.

Dear James,

I remember your father so well and was grieved to hear of his passing. Such a gentleman and a leader and so talented! He began transforming our ordinary backyard into a beautiful garden decades ago (even U.S. Presidents, Vice Presidents, Governors and Mayors admired his and your work!) You so ably followed him in talent and stature. I thank God for your dad and you and your family. You added to our joy and memories. With deepest sympathy

Letters to Pastor Williams
Letters to Pastor Williams

Dear Rochelle and James,

Jackie and I were so sorry to hear about the death of James dad. There is an expression in Judaism that “we live in the hearts and minds of those who love us.” I am sure that his memory will live forever in the hearts and minds of your family. We just wanted you to know that you and your family are in our daily thoughts and prayers. May your dad be a blessed memory. Best Regards, Jackie & Bob

Letters to Pastor Williams
Letters to Pastor Williams
BROWNSVILLE DISTRICT ANNUAL AWARDS GALASuperintendent Williams, along with Pastor James Williams, who was the chairman of the Brownsville District Staff, established the Annual Awards Gala to recognize dedicated senior citizens and graduating students. Recipients were awarded monetary gifts as well as plaques. Superintendent Williams established the Scholarship Fund for deserving students because he believed in the importance of education.


Superintendent Williams, along with Pastor James Williams, who was the chairman of the Brownsville District Staff, established the Annual Awards Gala to recognize dedicated senior citizens and graduating students. Recipients were awarded monetary gifts as well as plaques.

Superintendent Williams established the Scholarship Fund for deserving students because he believed in the importance of education.

APPRECIATION SERVICEThe Appreciation Service recognized Pastor Williams for his many years of service with Elder Larry Barbee (Assistant to Pastor) who he also considered a son.


The Appreciation Service recognized Pastor Williams for his many years of service with Elder Larry Barbee (Assistant to Pastor) who he also considered a son.

FAMILY AND FRIENDS DAYThe Annual Family and Friends Day celebrating the family and friends of the church.


The Annual Family and Friends Day celebrating the family and friends of the church.

TN CENTRAL ANNUAL BENEFIT DINNERTN Central Annual Benefit Dinner with Bishop W.L. Porter. He was awarded the plaque for Pastor of the Year.


TN Central Annual Benefit Dinner with Bishop W.L. Porter. He was awarded the plaque for Pastor of the Year.


Pastor Williams and Mother Juanita Williams at the Breakfast Seminar at St. James Outreach Ministries hosted by Lady Rochelle Williams.